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ESG Data
Our proprietary CENintel scoring framework offers the most accurate, comprehensive analysis of any company’s sustainability governance, transparency, and risk management.
Our ESG Data service offers a strategic edge in portfolio management, with unparalleled coverage of UK small and mid-cap companies.
CEN proprietary data focuses on both underlying and aggregate sustainability data for effective portfolio positioning, while helping investors meet their regulatory reporting standards.
The breadth of our sustainability performance data coverage is best-in-class, providing insights on the investment lifecycle from portfolio construction to monitoring and reporting.
Our ESG Research services
ESG Reports
Integrate sustainability into your investment decision-making with comprehensive assessments for all company sizes
Detailed mapping of corporate ESG public disclosures to quantitative values
Highlights key ESG drivers, risks and opportunities and material topics
Transparency and granularity on ESG metrics
Targeted ESG engagment with portfolio companies
Ad-hoc, in-depth company or sector ESG research
Technical and content support
Evaluate how companies have incorporated the views of internal and external stakeholders to identify sustainability issues relevant for target setting and reporting as part of their ESG strategies
ESG Research
Better understand how companies are identifying and managing their contribution to the United Nations’ ‘shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future’
Measure SDG contribution for investment portfolios
Assess individual companies on key SDG targets and company-specific indicators
CEN Data identifies and assesses public media articles negatively impacting a company’s stakeholders and/or ESG factors. Such articles may indicate structural problems with a company’s ESG risk management capabilities
Scanning public news sources for ESG related controversies
Quantify level of severity for company and stakeholders
Highlight impact on reputational, operational and legal risks
Our ESG Data services
Data points covering 500~ companies
Access granular data through our portal, API solutions and Partner Platforms.
The most accurate analysis of a company’s sustainability transparency, governance, and risk management, subject to stringent quality assurance.
Analyse public disclosures made by companies on how well they are managing sustainability risks and opportunities.
Benchmark companies’ sustainability performance against peers, indexes, and industries, as well as momentum year-on-year.
Apply a positive/negative screening to companies based on areas such as exposure to industries (Fossil Fuels, Tobacco, Gambling, etc), performance and disclosure.
CEO & Advisory Panel
Our ESG Data Leadership Team
Led by experienced professionals with backgrounds in accountancy, investment management, IT and banking, we have a financially-focused understanding of investor's ESG data needs. Our wider team comprises both an expert-quality assurance unit in London, and a network of highly-trained third-party analysts.
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